
Here at Queen Margaret Primary Academy, we are dedicated to ensuring that each and every child receives the best education possible. This means we have to abide by laws set by the Government in regards to ensuring attendance is at its best for each individual child.

We work closely with the local authority’s Children and Families First team and Inclusion & Attendance Officer to ensure we are providing the support necessary to ensure each child accesses as much of their education as possible.

There is a direct link between good attendance and a child’s achievement. It is simple; the more time a child spends at school, the more time they have to access the learning needed for their progression.

Low attendance throughout a child’s school life has a serious negative impact on their academic outcomes and opportunities.

Reporting a child’s absence

If your child is poorly and unable to attend school, please ring on the morning of absence before 9am. If your child has been absent for more than three days, as a school we will endeavour to phone to check in with how your child is doing and to see if any support is needed. If we do not receive any contact regarding why a child is absent from school, we will attempt contact with all known phone numbers as well as possibly home visiting.

Medical conditions

We understand that unfortunately some children have different concerns which have an on-going impact on their attendance. As a school we will try to ensure we facilitate any needs for each child. Please ensure you share all medical conditions and appointments with us so we can support in the best way we can.

Medical evidence

If your child’s attendance is below 92%, you will be expected to provide medical evidence when your child is absent. This is in line with recommendations from the local authority. We have been provided with a ‘medical evidence slip’ from Children and Families First (local authority) to help secure evidence – please find attached below. A form of evidence can be a written letter from a doctor/consultant at a GP surgery or hospital, proof of medication (in the case of a short-term absence) and/or the attached slip.

Low attendance

Laws set by the Government mean that extra intervention will be put into place to support children with attendance close to or below 90%. This means that as a school we will contact you to make sure you and your child are supported to improve their attendance – this could include a 1:1 meeting with our Local Inclusion and Attendance Officer or involvement from a schools worker from the local authority. If attendance does not improve, fixed penalty notice action may be taken.


At Queen Margaret Primary Academy, our day starts at 8.50am for all children; this means we expect everyone to be seated in their classrooms ready for their lesson to start. If however, something unavoidable has happened leading to a late start to your day, please go to the school’s main office. From there we will sign your child/children into school and take them to their teachers. As you can expect, we completely understand that at times lateness does happen, however if this becomes a reoccurring issue, it will be brought to the attention of Laura Eaves, the school Pastoral Manager. This is monitored through each child arriving late being given a late mark on their attendance record. Receiving a late mark does not bring down your child’s attendance, however it can be detrimental to the progress of their day and often children struggle with going into the classroom after their peers are settled. Due to lateness having a detrimental effect on a child’s attendance, a ‘U’ code is added to a child’s register if they arrive past 9.20am. A ‘U’ code affects a child’s attendance by decreasing it by half a day; this impacts on their attendance, their class attendance and the whole school attendance. Again if this becomes a re-occurring issue, the matter could be taken further leading to fixed penalty notices. Therefore, please ensure that your child is in school ready to learn on time.

Leave of absence

As a school we cannot authorise time off during term-time for holidays or visits to relatives in foreign countries. It is an expectation set by the Government that time off for reasons other than medical issues/illnesses are not taken due to children only attending school for 190 days out of the calendar year. This leaves 175 days per year available which we encourage you to enjoy as a family. Unauthorised absences can lead to fixed penalty notice action. If you wish for your child/children to be absent from school due to exceptional circumstances, please fill out a leave of absence form found in the school office.

Contact Us

Lansdown Park Academy
Stockwood Lane
BS14 8SJ
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Lansdown Park Academy is proud to be part of the Cabot Learning Federation. 
Registered Company: Cabot Learning Federation
Company No: 06207590