Accessibility Plan

This policy is presented in HTML to support accessibility needs and to work across multiple platforms. A full PDF copy is also available below.
Date Approved - April 2024
Review Frequency - Annual
Date of Next Review - September 2025
Full PDF Policy

History of Recent Policy Changes





Origin of Change

May 2017
Document Creation for SV
Template for academy use created
Origin of Change
Requirement to have plan in place in each academy
Apr 2024
Document creation for LPA
LPA Accessibility Policy created/adapted
Origin of Change

Introductory Statement

This Accessibility Plan (Plan) has been drawn up in consultation with staff parents and pupils of the Academy and covers the period from September 2022 – September 2023.  The plan is available in large print or other accessible format if required.

The plan takes account of the Academy’s public sector equality duty set out in section 149 of the Equality Act 2010.

We are committed to providing an environment which values and includes all pupils, staff, parents and visitors regardless of their educational, physical, sensory, social, spiritual, emotional and cultural needs.  We are further committed to challenging attitudes about disability and accessibility and to developing a culture of awareness, tolerance and inclusion.


The Academy’s layout and facilities

The Academy is committed to making reasonable adjustments to allow disabled pupils to access educational provision at the Academy.  The Academy has accessible classroom and toilets on every site. LPA is a site on one ground floor only

The Accessibility Plan should be read in conjunction with the following policies, strategies and documents:

  • Academy prospectus
  • disability equality scheme
  • equal opportunities policies
  • health and safety policy
  • special educational needs policy

The Plan will be monitored through the EDI team and the academy council.

Welcoming and preparing for disabled pupils

Where it is practicable to make reasonable adjustments to enable a prospective pupil to take up a place at the Academy and to satisfy the current admissions criteria, the Academy is committed to providing those reasonable adjustments where able to do so.

In order to meet the needs of disabled pupils, the Academy requires full information.  The Academy will ask prospective pupils to disclose whether they have received any learning support, have had an educational psychologist’s report or have any disability or other condition of which the Academy should be aware.  In assessing the pupil or prospective pupil, the Academy may need to take advice and require assessments as appropriate.  The Academy will be sensitive to any issues of confidentiality.

Increasing the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the Academy curriculum

  Targets Strategies Outcome Timeframe Goals achieved
Short term Enable staff to increase their knowledge and understanding of varying disability and differentiating the curriculum. Training of staff. Staff confidence in providing appropriate teaching and support to more fully meet the requirements of disabled pupils’ needs with regards to accessing the curriculum.   Flexible approach to disabled pupils and increase in access to the National Curriculum.

Success of disabled pupils. Progress over time and successful transition of next steps.

Medium term  


Long term  



Key points to consider when completing this table

  • do teachers have the necessary training to teach and support disabled pupils?
  • are classrooms optimally organised for disabled pupils?
  • are lessons responsive to pupil diversity?
  • do lessons involve work to be done by individuals, pairs, groups, whole class?
  • do staff recognise and allow for additional time required by some disabled pupils to use equipment in practical work?
  • do staff recognise and allow for the mental effort expended by some disabled pupils, e.g. lip reading?
  • do you provide access to computer technology appropriate for pupils with disabilities?
  • are there realistic expectations of all pupils?
  • do staff seek to remove all barriers to learning and participation?
  • are pupils encouraged to take part in music, drama and physical activities?
  • do staff provide alternative ways of giving access to experience or understanding for disabled pupils who cannot engage in particular activities, e.g. some form of exercise in physical education?

Improving the physical environment of the school to increase access to education by disabled pupils

  Targets Strategies Outcome Timeframe Goals achieved
Short term Incorporation of appropriate colour schemes when refurbishing to benefit pupils with visual impairments. Advice taken from professionals on appropriate colour schemes. Some areas are made more accessible to visually impaired children.   Physical environment improved.
Short term Enable disabled pupils and visitors to park within reasonable distance of the School. Two parking spaces for disabled people and signposted clearly. Parking for disabled people achieved.   Improved access to School site.
Medium term Provide accessible toilet facilities for disabled pupils and visitors. Identify appropriate existing facility and improve it. Review of existing toilets for accessibility. Minimum of one accessible toilet.   Improved facilities for disabled students and visitors.
Long term Enable all disabled pupils and visitors to access the School building.

Plan to fit ramps and handrails to the entrances and exits which have priority.

Development of outdoor space to allow disabled access to Forest School and other areas. Funding and bids for further development.   Physical accessibility increased.

Key points to consider when completing this table

  • does the size and layout of areas, including all academic and social facilities, classrooms, canteen, library and common areas allow access for all pupils?
  • can pupils who use wheelchairs move around the Academy without experiencing barriers to access such as those caused by doorways, steps and stairs, and toilet facilities?
  • are pathways of travel around the Academy site and parking arrangements safe, routes logical and well signed?
  • are emergency and evacuation systems set up to inform all pupils, including pupils with SEN and disability; including alarms with both visual and auditory components?
  • are non-visual guides used, to assist people to use buildings?
  • could any of the décor or signage be considered to be confusing or disorientating for disabled students with visual impairment, autism or epilepsy?
  • are areas to which pupils should have access well lit?
  • are steps taken to reduce background noise for hearing impaired pupils such as considering a room’s acoustics, noisy equipment? is furniture and equipment selected, adjusted and located appropriately?

Improving the delivery of information to disabled pupils

  Targets Strategies Outcome Timeframe Goals achieved
Short term Ensuring availability of written material in alternative formats. Become aware of the services available through the LA for converting written information into alternative formats. If needed, the School could provide written information in alternative formats.   Delivery of information to disabled pupils is improved.
Short term          
Medium term          
Long term          

Key points to consider when completing this table

  • do you provide information in simple language, symbols, large print, on audiotape or in Braille for pupils and prospective pupils who may have difficulty with standard forms of printed information?
  • do you ensure that information is presented to groups in a way which is user friendly for people with disabilities e.g. by reading aloud overhead projections and describing diagrams?
  • do you have the facilities such as ICT to produce written information in different formats?
  • do you ensure that staff are familiar with technology and practices developed to assist people with disabilities?

Increasing the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the Academy curriculum

  Targets Strategies Outcome Timeframe Goals achieved
Short term  


Medium term  



Long term  




Reviewed by       …………………………………………..

Date reviewed   …………………………………………..

Improving the physical environment of the Academy to increase access to education by disabled pupils

  Targets Strategies Outcome Timeframe Goals achieved
Short term  



Medium term  



Long term  




Reviewed by       …………………………………………..

Date reviewed   …………………………………………..

Improving the delivery of information to disabled pupils

  Targets Strategies Outcome Timeframe Goals achieved
Short term  


Medium term  


Long term  



Reviewed by       …………………………………………..

Date reviewed   …………………………………………..

Approved by:  Alex Davies Principal
  Academy Council
Approved on: 10/9/22
Review date: September 2023

Contact Us

Lansdown Park Academy
Stockwood Lane
BS14 8SJ
Contact Us
Lansdown Park Academy is proud to be part of the Cabot Learning Federation. 
Registered Company: Cabot Learning Federation
Company No: 06207590